Couple shocked to find lizard living in their fridge for nine days in bag of spinach - Daily Star

A lizard has been discovered living in a couple's fridge after it camped out in a bag of spinach for nine days.

As she went to make dinner Katherine Bacon, 32, saw the belly of the bite-sized beast pressed against the packaging of her leaves.

Her husband James, 36, who was alerted to the stowaway by a scream from Katherine, initially thought it was dead.

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But then, to his surprise: "It woke up and started walking around the bag," he said. "We were wondering what we were going to do.

The little lizard was pretty cute
The little lizard was pretty cute

"Our main priority was to make sure the lizard was OK."

They reckoned the little fella was more than 10cm long and, after a little googling, concluded that the well-travelled chap was an Italian wall lizard.

Of Haywards Heath, West Sussex, they handed the cute little guy over to a branch of the RSPCA in Brighton where it will need to be quarantined for 30 days.

James and Katherine were shocked
James and Katherine were shocked

After this time has gone by though, The Sun reports that there is a member of staff working there who wants to adopt it.

A spokesperson for the organisation said: "At the moment, he's doing really well.

"A lot of European species around this time of year will go into a state similar to hibernation.

"That's probably why he managed to survive as opposed to a more tropical species."

The reptile isn't the only strange food discovery in the UK in recent weeks.

Kim Ellis 33, of Cornwall, recently discovered that a grease mark left by her meat feast Dominos pizza had a remarkable resemblance to Jesus.

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With two eyes and a beard, it is quite the find, but she remains unimpressed and more would need to self-proclaimed atheist to convert to the religion.

"It didn't make me consider taking up Christianity.

"I think it'll take more than a greasy pizza box."



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