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Here's The Real Risk When Your Dog Licks Your Face—And Why This Veterinarian Lets Her Pup Do It

Happy woman letting her dog lick her face outdoors © Photo: Getty Images/andresr Happy woman letting her dog lick her face outdoors

Your relationship with your dog is probably the sweetest, least complicated one in your life. Yet you may sometimes question whether you should really let your best pal cover your face with sloppy kisses. The sad truth: Dog saliva carries germs. But just how big of a threat are those germs to your health? Here's what a veterinarian and a family medicine physician have to say.

Soulful eyes, germy mouth

According to the American Kennel Club, a dog's mouth contains around 600 types of bacteria, which is similar to what people have. There's some species overlap there, but dogs also carry unique germs that humans aren't equipped to fight off. Some of these microbes are zoonotic, meaning they can jump between species, and cause infections.

There's also evidence based on a 2022 genetic study, published in Antibiotics, that canine saliva has plentiful numbers of bacteria containing transferable antimicrobial resistance genes. These dangerous genes may promote antibiotic resistance in humans, which you definitely don't want.

Bacteria from dogs have a very low chance of penetrating intact skin, but they can get into your system through broken skin and mucus membranes like your eyes, nose, and mouth.

"All animals and people have bacteria, yeast, and viruses (called the oral microbiome) living in their mouths," says Heather Berst, VMD, a veterinarian at Zoetis. "Many of these organisms are beneficial, but a few can be harmful if transmitted to people from dogs. The ones to be most concerned about are Clostridium, E. Coli, salmonella, and campylobacter."

Dogs can also have intestinal parasites that they could spread by licking, although Dr. Berst says parasites are more likely to spread through dog poop than by oral transmission.

And what about when Fido, you know, eats that poop? This icky habit is referred to as coprophagia, but whatever you call it, it's gross, especially if your dog wants to lick your face afterward. "The fact that dogs eat poop is a concern for many people, but this doesn't necessarily pose a significant risk to humans," says family medicine physician Laura Purdy, MD, MBA. "While eating poop can introduce harmful bacteria into a dog's mouth, the risk of transmission to humans from a dog's lick is still relatively low."

How worried should you be about a dog licking your face?

Your sweet doggy doesn't know their mouth is a germ cesspool. They only know they love you and want to show it. The risks of transmission from licking your face are relatively small, but not non-existent, So, what's a dog owner to do?

Dr. Berst isn't only a veterinarian, she's also a dog mom to Dottie, a highly affectionate rescue Chinese crested dog. "Every time I come home, Dottie gets super excited and crazily licks my face while wagging her tail—and I let her. That being said, I think you need to talk to your physician and your veterinarian if your dog licks your face regularly, as there can be some risks," she says.

Dr. Berst and Dr. Purdy both feel that the most critical things to consider are the dog's health status, and the person's overall health. People with compromised immune systems should avoid having their dog lick them on the face. Elderly individuals and children should also show added caution.

How to protect yourself from dog germs

To start with, regular veterinary care for your pet is a must. This should include preventatives, like vaccines, that decrease the chance of transmitting zoonotic diseases to you and your family. "Make sure your pet is tested for parasites (worms) and is on a parasite preventative," Dr. Berst says. "They should also be vaccinated for diseases such as rabies, and have their teeth cleaned regularly."

Your dog's diet also matters. Raw diets have become popular, but many veterinarians, including Dr. Berst, discourage their use. "Raw food diets increase the risk of transmitting food-borne illnesses. If I was around a dog and the owner fed the dog raw food, I would be cautious about that dog licking my face," Dr. Berst says.

Also be wary around strays, who may eat moldy or rotted food off the street. Those that aren't vaccinated or cared for may be more likely to carry disease. If you see a stray, contact a dog rescue organization that can get it the care it needs, and a forever home. In the meantime, stay clear of doggy kisses from dogs you aren't familiar with.

Even if your dog gets optimum care, it's a good idea to stop them from licking areas of open skin, like cuts and scrapes. "Even a healthy dog's mouth may contain Pasteurella, a bacterium which can cause skin infections," says Dr. Purdy. She also warns against Capnocytophaga canimorsus, a rare bacteria that can cause severe illness in people with weakened immune systems.

If your dog licks an open wound or bites you (it happens), contact your healthcare provider right away. Signs of infection like redness, swelling, or pus-like discharge require medical attention asap.

How to safely get love from your dog (and how to give it, too)

The symbiosis between humans and animals is clear. You probably need your dog's unconditional love as much as they need yours. If you and your dog are both healthy, there's no real need to forgo at least some of those loving, slobbery kisses.

If, however, you wish to be cautious or have cause for concern, Dr. Berst recommends training your dog to sit when you arrive home and wait for a treat or high-five, instead of a kiss. Cuddle sessions and petting are another powerful way to deepen your bond without the risk of swapping germs.

Why Do Dogs Eat Poop And How You Can Get Your Pet To Stop

Sometimes, our dogs do strange things. Besides biting their dirty paws or rolling around in puddles, dogs occasionally drink from toilets or lick their butts.

In other cases, your pup may even eat their own poop, or worse, the poop of another dog or animal. To any pet owner, this would be considered disgusting and cause concern.

But why do dogs eat poop? Dogs eat poop for a number of reasons. Although their actions may seem gross to humans, your dog's motive for doing so may not be.

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Why do dogs eat poop?

If your dog is eating poop, it could be for a number of reasons, including anxiety, attention, isolation, confinement or inappropriate association with food, according to the American Kennel Club.

Some dogs with harsh punishment trauma may eat their own poop to avoid further reprimand. Others will eat poop to get a reaction out of their owners, so it is best to not overreact.

Dogs who are often kept alone away from humans may eat poop. Likewise, dogs who are put in tight, small spaces, like overcrowded kennels, may also consume feces.

If your dog's food is nearby where they go to the bathroom, they may confuse the scent of food and feces, causing them to associate poop with consumption.

Dogs may eat poop for a number of reasons, including anxiety, attention, isolation or confinement.

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Is it normal for dogs to eat poop?

Poop eating, known scientifically as coprophagia, is not rare among dogs.

According to a 2018 study in Veterinarian Medicine and Science, 16% of respondents reported their dogs to be "frequent stool eaters," meaning they were caught eating poop less than or equal to six times. However, nearly 77% of owners reported never seeing their dogs eat poop.

Some of the reasons why dogs eat poop are relatively normal. For example, nursing female dogs will eat the poop of their babies to keep an area clean, according to PetMD.

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Additionally, some dogs will eat the poop of other animals, including horses, since the feces contain nutrients. But this behavior should be discouraged as there can also be harmful bacteria in the poop, according to PetMD.

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Will my dog get sick from eating poop?

Poop eating can definitely be a concern to a pet owner since it can make your dog sick.

If your dog is eating its own poop, itmay be OK, but there is still a chance of illness. Especially if your dog is eating the poop of another dog or animal, there is a large risk of infectious diseases or parasites.

Some symptoms of poop eating include gastroenteritis, vomiting and diarrhea, decreased appetite, tiredness and intestinal parasites, according to Muenster Milling.

Consult your veterinarian if your dog has eaten poop and is experiencing any behavioral changes or symptoms.

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How can I keep my dog from eating poop?

To curb your pup from eating poop, you may consider vitamin or enzyme supplements. These can help if your dog is eating poop due to a lack of certain nutrients, such as vitamin B, says the AKC.

There are also various deterrents on the market, which make poop less appetizing to your dog.

Other methods to stop your dog from eating poop include training, — using commands like "leave it,' — keeping a close eye during walks and cleaning up poop immediately.

To make sure your pup is not eating poop, be sure to keep a close on them during walks and clean up poop immediately.

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This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Why do dogs eat poop? It could be related to anxiety or isolation.

Bulldog Gives Owner 'Worst Side Eye' After She Interrupts Her TV Time

An American bulldog giving her owner some serious side-eye has dog lovers cracking up online.

The funny photo was shared to the Dogspotting Facebook group by Heidi De More, of Kirtland, Ohio. It shows 6-year-old Elsa giving the camera some major attitude—a common occurrence in their household.

"She's like a human in a dog's body, honestly," De More told Newsweek.

"She huffs and puffs when she doesn't get her way, like a 2-year-old would."

In the viral photo, Elsa was watching cartoons on TV. However, her mom interrupted the show to tell her off for eating deer poop.

Elsa the American Bulldog went viral after giving her owner some serious side-eye. Heidi De More

"After I took this pic she looked at me and gave me the worst side eye and then went back to watching tv," she wrote alongside the hilarious picture.

According to PetMD, American bulldogs are a loyal and intelligent breed. However, they can also be strong-willed and stubborn, and like to get their own way. In Elsa's case, this means sneakily munching on deer feces.

"It's her candy of choice. Not sure why but she just enjoys it," De More said.

"No matter what she is doing wrong, whether it's eating deer poop or being a bad girl, she always gives the side-eye."

Elsa has always been the queen of resting b**** face ever since De More adopted her as a 6-month-old puppy.

Elsa likes to get her own way. Heidi De More

The family that originally owned Elsa purchased her from a breeder. However, they also had two young children, and the pup quickly grew too large for the family to handle.

The family planned to send her to the pound, so De More immediately offered to adopt her.

"She wasn't about to be punished or put down for being a big puppy," De More said.

It didn't take long for Elsa to settle in her new home, or to bond with Violet, De More's pit bull. She's not really a fan of people, but she does love TV—particularly cartoons, true crime, Animal Planet and the news.

"She loves her family and she loves her family's people, [but] sometimes she is set on not liking someone and that's OK," De More said.

"When she gives the side-eye I just laugh. How could you not?" De More said.

Elsa has been the queen of resting b**** face since she was a puppy. Heidi De More

Fellow dog owners couldn't get enough of the grumpy pup, with Stacie Walls-Brown calling the snap "priceless."

"If looks could kill!" commented Christine Gottlieb Eichert.

"She is giving you the ugggg mug," said Tina Agosto.

"She's big mad at you. So salty," wrote Laurie Barr.

"She is not happy with you at all," agreed Barbara Dussaman.

"Looks like she is about to yell at the neighborhood kids for being on her lawn," joked April JJ.

While Jennifer Williams warned: "You better sleep with one eye open tonight!"

Do you have funny and adorable videos or pictures of your pet you want to share? We want to see the best ones! Send them in to life@newsweek.Com and they could appear on our site.


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