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23 Best Medium Dog Breeds That Might Be Perfect For You

23 Medium Dog Breeds: the Best Medium-Sized Dogs for Your Family

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Jagoda Matejczuk/500px/Getty Images The best medium dog breeds

One of the best things about dogs (in addition to how stinking cute the cutest dog breeds are, of course) is the fact that they come in so many different varieties( like quiet dogs with easygoing personalities or naughty ones) and sizes. From these itty-bitty small dog breeds to the hulking bundles of love that are these large dog breeds, there's a pup out there for every dog lover. In the middle, you have these medium-sized dogs that, for many, are just the right size! And what size is that? "Medium breed dogs are breeds that stay within a 20- to 60-pound weight range in adulthood and are smaller than 27 inches tall," specifies Katy Nelson, DVM, senior veterinarian at Chewy. Read on to learn more about these medium dog breeds' personalities and heritages. One of them might be the perfect fit to help grow your family by four paws.

Jagoda Matejczuk/500px/Getty Images Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever

These medium dogs have a red coat and look very similar to Golden Retrievers, but they're a little smaller and less popular. "Tollers are energetic, highly intelligent, and very vocal," says Nicole Ellis, a certified professional dog trainer and pet lifestyle expert with Rover. "Known for their unique Toller call, they have a high-pitched bark that sounds like a scream, which they produce to express excitement and eagerness." The Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever is perfect for someone with an active lifestyle, since it will enjoy participating in dog sports such as noseworks, agility, and swimming. See if you can guess the dog breed based on its puppy picture.


Whippets look similar to Greyhounds, but they are much smaller, measuring about 18 to 22 inches tall at the shoulder. "They're incredibly fast and they love (and need) several quick bursts of intense activity each day, such as chasing a Frisbee. In between their energetic bursts, they're couch potatoes and love to snuggle up with their owners," says Jamie Richardson, Medical Chief of Staff at Small Door Veterinary. "They're very loving and affectionate, low-maintenance, and rarely bark." Whippets are a brindle dog breed and love having a big yard to run around in, but they are equally happy living in an apartment (as long as they get enough exercise).


"If you love cute wrinkles and don't mind some stubbornness, bulldogs are a great breed," says Alex Willen, founder of Cooper's Treats. Because bulldogs are very stocky, they typically stay relatively small for their weight. "You can find a number of different varieties of bulldogs, including French, English, and American, but they're all relatively similar in personality. They don't require much exercise, which is helpful if you're looking for an apartment dog or generally have a busy schedule."

Jacqueline Anders/Getty Images Australian Shepherd

Despite the name, Australian Shepherds are actually from the American West and were originally bred for herding sheep. "Australian Shepherds are great for families or single people who live an active lifestyle and have room for them to run," says Sarah Wooten, DVM, the vet expert at Pumpkin Pet Insurance. "They are a working breed and need at least an hour of exercise every day. If they get exercise, then they tend to be easy to train, low-key, and great companions." Dr. Wooten warns that if they don't get enough exercise, they can become destructive and develop bad habits, so if you want an Australian Shepherd, make sure you have the time to get active. Another trait that some people may see as a drawback is that they shed a lot and require regular brushing and grooming. If that's an issue for you, here are 25 dog breeds that don't shed (that much).

Australian Cattle Dog

Here's a medium-sized dog that is from Australia! "This compact powerhouse of a dog, also known as a Blue Heeler or Queensland Heeler, is actually related to the Australian Dingo!" says Dr. Nelson. Australian Cattle Dogs are incredibly energetic and require regular exercise—they're "not for the indoorsy, quiet type of pet parent," she advises. She adds that they're also herding dogs. This means they might try to "herd" young children like they would sheep, which could potentially include nipping. Translation: They may not be one of the best dog breeds for families. But if you want a pup that loves to play, as well as a dog that's usually very healthy and can live more than 15 years, the Australian Cattle Dog could be your pick.

Magnus Blom/EyeEm/Getty Images Bearded Collie

Fully grown, the Bearded Collie weighs around 40 to 60 pounds. "Bred originally as a working dog, bouncy, and always up for an adventure, they are a great fit for an active person or family in any climate," says Ellis. "Their hair does require brushing, but they won't shed like your average breed." Because they are a herding breed (like Australian Cattle Dogs), Ellis doesn't recommend Bearded Collies for families with young children. See more of fluffy dog breeds that you'll want to cuddle ASAP.

Cocker Spaniel

Back in the 1950s, the Cocker Spaniel was viewed as the perfect suburban family dog. "Cockers are on the smaller size, topping out at 30 pounds," says Dr. Wooten. "They require grooming to prevent mats. They are friendly, tend to be good with children, and require 30 minutes of medium exercise per day." If you're looking for a dog to defend your home, though, the Cocker Spaniel isn't it. Instead, these are the best guard dog breeds for protection.

Lisa_Nagorskaya/Getty Images Saluki

"Salukis are one of the world's oldest breeds, going back as far as 7,000 BC," Dr. Nelson says. Their sight is impeccable, and their sleek bodies are crafted for speed. They used to hunt down gazelle, so it's no surprise that they're very athletic and love outdoor exercise. They're smart, too, and are generally happy dogs as long as you provide them with mental stimulation. Another fun fact about Salukis? "Their silky coats require weekly brushing, but they're known for being very clean dogs, only requiring bathing occasionally," she says. Here's more on how often you should wash your dog.

Silken Windhound

"The Silken Windhound is a sighthound breed that is smaller than the others in their class, such as the Saluki," says Ellis. "They make fantastic family pets or first-time-pet-owner dogs. They are unique-looking, don't require much exercise, and are very sweet and cuddly." If you lead a busy life, these dog breeds can be left alone.

Tara Gregg/EyeEm/Getty Images Brittany Spaniel

Fully grown Brittany Spaniels weigh around 30 to 40 pounds, making them a perfect medium dog breed that's not too small and not too big. "They're smart, loyal dogs who are very trainable, but they don't require quite the same amount of exercise and time as Aussies," says Willen. "Brittanys were originally bred in France to help hunters retrieve birds, and they can be found in many French paintings and tapestries that are hundreds of years old." Learn about the 20 smartest dog breeds.

Pembroke Welsh Corgi

Pembroke Welsh Corgis are a medium dog breed in a small dog's body because of their short, stumpy legs. Fully grown, they typically weigh around 25 to 30 pounds, maybe less depending on the size of their parents. "Although they are stout in size, their legs are quite muscular and their agility is remarkable. They are known for their friendly, playful, and sometimes a little stubborn personality," says veterinary technician Sakura Davis, a veterinary consultant at CatPet.Club. These are the most affectionate dog breeds that love to cuddle.

Przemyslaw Iciak/EyeEm/Getty Images Beagle

Beagles are a great, well-known medium-size dog breed. They are great family pets, but also fit into the lifestyle of single people. Dr. Wooten says they love kids, are easy to train, shed very little, and tend to be healthy. In addition to being one of the best medium dog breeds, beagles also make our list of the best short-haired dog breeds for families.

Ines Arnshoff/Getty Images Portuguese Water Dog

The Portuguese Water Dog was originally bred to help fishermen—hence, the name. And, as their name suggests, they typically love spending time in the water. They're highly intelligent, very trainable, and love to please their owners. Their curly coats don't shed much, and they make great family dogs; however, they need lots of exercise and an active household. Here's how much exercise your dog really needs.


Vizslas, which weigh between 45 and 60 pounds, are known for their reddish-brown coats. Since they were originally trained as hunting dogs, they like to stick close to their humans. "They're loyal and great companions, but they often don't do well when left alone for extended periods of time," says Willen. And here's an interesting fact: "They are originally descended from the dogs of marauding warlords who needed dogs who could keep up while they were on horseback." Check out the most popular dog breeds in every state.

Amalie Bonsaksen/500px/Getty Images Shetland Sheepdog

The Shetland Sheepdog is one of the medium dog breeds that has a super sweet personality. "Shetland Sheepdogs, also known as Shelties, are docile, friendly, loving dogs that are good with families or single people," says Dr. Wooten. "They tend to be submissive and a little nervous, but not all of them. They need 30 minutes of daily exercise and are at home in single-family homes or apartments." Keep in mind that sheepdogs shed year-round and heavily twice a year, so they require regular brushing and grooming. These 15 lazy dog breeds are expert nappers.

Purple Collar Pet Photography/Getty Images Medium-Sized Doodle Mixes

Anything you mix with a poodle makes an amazing medium Doodle breed. "These dogs tend to have hybrid vigor (be healthy) and are good with families and kids," says Dr. Wooten. "The level of exercise they require and their level of shedding depends on what they are mixed with and how the genetics play out." Not all Doodles are hypoallergenic, and some of them do shed. Though no dog is 100 percent hypoallergenic, these are the best dog breeds for people with allergies.


Yes, poodles themselves can be medium-sized dogs, too! Standard poodles usually fall into the medium dog breed category. "These dogs are highly intelligent, extraordinary swimmers, and extremely trainable," Dr. Nelson says. "Their coats require significant grooming, including daily brushing to prevent matting and monthly trimming to maintain." One good thing about their coats, though, is that they really don't shed! Dr. Nelson also adds that poodles of all sizes require quite a bit of exercise. "Swimming, running, and retrieving [are] some of their favorite activities," she tells potential pet parents. Speaking of, bookmark these dog life jacket picks for later.

Vladimir Vinogradov/Getty Images Bull Terrier

"Bull Terriers are known for being a little stubborn and mischievous, but if provided with firm training and plenty of exercise, they make wonderful companions," says Dr. Richardson. "They're incredibly loyal, loving, and devoted to their owners." This breed is very playful, so they need an active home. Learn about the dog breeds everyone always confuses.

Shaun Taylor/Getty Images Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier

The Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier is originally from the farms of Scotland, where it was bred as a working dog. "These dogs love people and have fairly high energy—45 minutes to an hour of exercise and play are recommended daily. They tend to be healthy and shed very little, but do require grooming," says Dr. Wooten. Here are more of the healthiest dog breeds.

English Springer Spaniel

English Springer Spaniels are another one of the medium dog breeds bred as working dogs. Their original purpose was hunting. "Springer Spaniels are extremely friendly, highly trainable, enjoy activities, and love spending time with their owners," says Dr. Richardson. "They're people pleasers, and crave company; they become miserable if left alone too much. They're well suited for families with children, and they thrive in a highly active household, with plenty of long walks and games of fetch." These 10 dog breeds get stolen most often.

Bassett Hound

Who doesn't love these cuties?! "These dogs are built more for endurance than for speed, but their extremely powerful noses make up for what they lack in momentum," says Dr. Nelson. Bred to sniff out rabbits and deer, Bassett Hounds are not quite as energetic as some of these other medium-sized dogs, but Dr. Nelson suggests making sure they get moderate exercise to prevent weight gain. "Their short, thick coats can shed heavily, so regular brushing is required, as is regular overall grooming, [since] their heavy ears can be prone to ear infections," she adds. "Staying on top of skin and coat issues is a priority with this breed."

German Pinscher

"These confident, athletic, and intelligent dogs were first bred as rat catchers," Dr. Nelson says. The ancestor of all Pinscher breeds, German Pinschers love activity like nosework and agility training. While they're low-maintenance grooming-wise, she warns that they might not be the best choice for a first-time dog owner. They are "highly energetic and can use their genius for naughty purposes if not trained properly," so she says to make sure they get plenty of exercise and are kept busy mentally as well. Here's how to tell if your dog is bored, why it can be a problem, and what to do.


"If you're looking for medium-sized dogs, I definitely recommend checking out your local shelters and rescues," says Willen. "Volunteers there can help you find a dog that's exactly the size you're looking for." Since you'll most likely be adopting a full-grown, adult dog, you can look for the size that works best for you. Next, find out the cutest mixed breed dogs you'll want to bring home.


  • Nicole Ellis, a certified professional dog trainer and pet lifestyle expert with Rover
  • Katy Nelson, DVM, senior veterinarian at Chewy
  • Sarah Wooten, DVM, CVJ, the vet expert at Pumpkin Pet Insurance
  • Jamie Richardson, BVetMed, Medical Chief of Staff at Small Door Veterinary
  • Alex Willen, founder of Cooper's Treats
  • Sakura Davis, a veterinary technician and a veterinary consultant at CatPet.ClubNext: Discover our list of  fluffy dog breeds.
  • Originally Published: March 20, 2024

    * We are no longer supporting IE (Internet Explorer) as we strive to provide site experiences for browsers that support new web standards and security practices. We recommend our users to update the browser. Close Icon

    25 Dog Breeds That Don't Shed (That Much)

    Dogs That Don't Shed — 25 Adorable Non-Shedding Dogs You'll Love

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    What dogs don't shed?

    Any creature that's covered in fur or hair, including humans, is going to regularly shed to some extent. Some popular dog breeds shed copiously every single day. Others "blow their coats," but only seasonally. And on the other side of the coin, you have dogs with minimal shedding. It's these last two types that we're referring to when we talk about dogs that don't shed.

    So which breed is best for you? That'll depend upon a number of factors, including why you're in the market for non-shedding dogs. If you're looking for a dog that won't aggravate your allergies, you might be better off with small dogs that don't shed, including non-shedding toy breeds. While there's no such thing as a hypoallergenic dog, smaller dogs have less hair to shed—and less dander (the stuff that causes allergies) carried on that hair.

    But maybe you're motivated to find a dog that won't leave your furniture covered in fur or force you to vacuum up hair nonstop. In that case, plenty of medium-sized and big dogs that don't shed will also fit the bill. Just don't assume these dogs all have easy-to-maintain coats; certain non-shedding dogs are lower maintenance than others. Remember, shedding is only one aspect of a pup, so be sure to consider factors like how much TLC its fur needs daily, how expensive the breed is, and whether the dog is calm or excitable. At the end of the day, you can minimize any dog's propensity to shed by feeding it a healthy, nutrient-rich diet and brushing and grooming regularly.

    Didkovska Ilona/Shutterstock Affenpinscher

    Funny, curious, and curiously brave for their size, affenpinschers are affectionate and loyal little pups. Their longer outer coats tend to stay put, though you'll have to brush them regularly to avoid matting. And while these wirehaired dogs aren't among the small dogs that don't shed at all, they shed their undercoats only minimally and, for the most part, seasonally. Plus, their toy size—they weigh less than 10 pounds—means they have less hair to shed on the whole. As an added bonus, these pooches have a reputation for being some of the least doggy-smelling breeds out there.

    Let's not forget this little fact: They're totally adorable. The breed's name comes from the German word for "monkey," but the French have another term for the affenpinscher: "diablotin moustachu," which translates to "mustachioed little devil." Of course, Star Wars fans disagree with both assessments, claiming these little guys are the spitting image of Ewoks.

    Anna Goroshnikova/Shutterstock Afghan hound

    With its long, silky, hair-like coat, the Afghan hound is breathtakingly beautiful. And despite its flowing locks, it sheds only minimally. But don't assume that means it's a no-fuss dog. Its glorious coat requires at least two baths per week and daily brushing. Afghan hounds tend to be more aloof than other dog breeds, so consider daily coat care quality time with your best buddy. The other thing to know before you bring an Afghan hound home is that they'll need space to run around. Slender as these long-haired dogs may be, they're powerful, agile hounds that need daily doses of vigorous exercise to live their best lives.

    Olena Zaskochenko/Shutterstock American hairless terrier

    With the exception of its eyebrows and whiskers, the American hairless terrier is, as its name suggests, completely hairless. It's also quite petite, standing no taller than 16 inches at the shoulder and weighing under 16 pounds. A native of Louisiana, the American hairless terrier is known for being smart, inquisitive, and playful, as well as adorably courageous for such a small critter. Compared with other dogs that don't shed, this hairless dog breed is delightfully low maintenance, requiring only a daily walk and an occasional bath to keep its skin clean. You will, however, have to be vigilant about applying sunscreen to your best bud's skin.


    Don't let the dense, curly coat of this somewhat rare dog fool you. This quintessential water dog, which was bred to locate and retrieve waterfowl such as ducks is among the medium-sized dogs that don't shed. Cheerful, athletic, intelligent, social, and loyal, the Barbet is known for being easy to live with—as long as its considerable exercise needs are met.

    Clean freaks, beware: This French dog breed has been affectionately referred to as a "mud dog" since it enjoys romping through any kind of water, including the mucky, muddy kind.

    Grisha Bruev/Shutterstock Basenji

    Funny thing about the basenji: It's a member of the hound family, which is known for producing howlers like beagles, but it's referred to as Africa's "barkless dog" because, unlike its very vocal family members, it's one of the quietest dog breeds. Another big difference? While hounds are often accused (wrongfully, according to the pups we know) of having a distinctly hound-like smell, the basenji is apparently exempt; they have little to no doggy smell. The basenji is considered almost catlike for a dog. But unlike cats, which are known for shedding, the basenji's short, glistening coat sheds minimally and requires little care beyond occasional brushing.

    Bedlington terrier

    If ever there were a pooch that could be said to resemble a sheep, it would be this floppy-eared dog. Energetic, loyal, and kid-friendly, the Bedlington terrier has a curly coat that pretty much doesn't shed and requires little in the way of grooming—you'll just need to brush (to prevent matting) and trim every couple of months. The Bedlington's small size and affectionate nature make it a wonderful family dog.

    Vladimir Nenezic/Shutterstock Bichon frise

    Small (under a foot tall), sturdy, friendly, and great with kids and other dogs, the bichon frise is known for having one of the best personalities in the dog world. Somewhat active but more than happy with long stretches of inactivity, the breed makes a great apartment dog. Best of all: It barely sheds. That's a plus for pet lovers who hate fur-covered furniture, but you should know that it's a trade-off. Bichons require regular brushing and grooming to keep their fur fluffy, clean, and mat-free. The time and cost of upkeep are worth it for one of the cutest dog breeds you can buy.

    Brussels griffon

    Despite being toy-sized, the Brussels griffon isn't your typical pampered purse puppy. The Griff likes to assert its intelligence and outsized personality. It also tends to garner quite a bit of attention with its fringy, dark doggie-beard and soulful, almost humanlike eyes. Some Griffs have a smooth coat (similar to a pug's), and some have a rough coat (like a schnauzer's), but none shed more than minimally. That said, Griffs do require regular grooming, along with daily walks for exercise, and plenty of attention.

    Chinese crested

    The Chinese crested is a pint-sized pup that tips the scales at eight to 12 pounds. The Powderpuff Chinese crested, the fluffier of the two varieties, has a soft, silky coat that sets it apart from the hairless variety, which has hair only on its head, tail, and ankles. With a body of soft, smooth skin, neither shedding nor doggy odor is an issue. Cresteds are affectionate with family, highly adaptable, and eager to please. And while they need daily walks and play, they're somewhat lazy dogs and expert nappers.

    Nicole Lienemann/Shutterstock Coton de Tulear

    Small and affectionate, with a long, soft, white coat that doesn't shed, the Coton de Tulear (pronounced KO-Tone dih TOO-lay-ARE), is a true winner when it comes to fluffy dogs that don't shed. It's loyal, trainable, affectionate, sociable, and comically entertaining (this breed is known to walk on hind legs just for kicks). If you're fond of dogs that vocalize beyond barking and howling, the Coton de Tulear may be perfect for you. Just be aware that this breed does need regular grooming to keep its fur full and mat-free.

    Dorottya Mathe/Shutterstock Havanese

    Native to Cuba, these dogs offer owners spunky charm and a coat that doesn't shed, which means you'll spend less time lint-rolling the furniture and more time romping with your playful pooch. The Havanese's coat requires weekly brushing and regular baths to stay clean and healthy. You won't mind the one-on-one time, though. These are affectionate, loving doggos who take well to adults and kids alike. They're even friendly to strangers (though they like to think of new people are future best friends.)

    Radomir Rezny/Shutterstock Irish water spaniel

    Like the Barbet, the Irish water spaniel is a medium-sized dog that was bred to retrieve hunted game from the water. And like the Barbet, it has a thick, curly coat that kind of looks like a mop but nevertheless sheds only minimally and requires only moderate grooming. Its gorgeous coat requires brushing every few weeks, so it's not a huge time commitment either. Open to strangers, adaptable to change, and overwhelmingly fun-loving, the Irish water spaniel is known for being incredibly, adorably playful. That means it requires daily exercise and play sessions.

    Radomir Rezny/Shutterstock Kerry blue terrier

    The Kerry blue terrier isn't exactly a big dog, but it is one of the biggest terrier breeds, with the males (which are larger) weighing somewhere between 33 and 40 pounds. As its name suggests, the Kerry blue terrier's coat comes in varying shades of blue, from light blue-gray to dark. (Don't worry if it looks black or gray to your eye; "blue" is the technical color designation, and your dog won't have peacock-colored fur.) But perhaps most important, its coat sheds minimally and is super soft and dense. If you like beard trimming, this mid-sized breed is for you; the long hair on its face requires grooming.

    aurelie le moigne/Shutterstock Lhasa apso

    You might not realize it from looking at Lhasa apsos, with their small stature and elegantly coiffed, floor-length, center-parted hair, but these non-shedding dogs were bred a thousand years ago in Tibet to serve as sentinels at Himalayan palaces and monasteries. A quintessential lapdog, the Lhasa apso is known as a somewhat complex dog; fun and funny with its family but aloof with strangers, according to the American Kennel Club. Lhasa apsos like going for walks, but they are also perfectly happy to sit on your lap or lie beside you on the sofa. Although the Lhasa apso doesn't shed much at all, its hair may take some work, mostly shampooing and brushing, along with trips to the groomers.


    Maltese are big in personality and small in size. Energetic and agile, the Maltese is highly trainable but not necessarily wonderful with small children. That said, if you are past the young-kids stage and looking for miniature dogs that don't shed, a Maltese could be for you. They have no undercoat, so they have no need to change their coat, even on a seasonal basis. These wee ones rank high among the cutest white dog breeds.

    Peruvian Inca Orchid

    No, we're not talking about a South American flower. Peruvian Inca Orchids are hairless dog breeds that grow to one of three sizes, so they're great options for small, medium, or big dogs that don't shed. Regardless of their size, they're extremely loyal, if not flat-out protective of their humans. Keep the Peruvian Inca Orchid well-exercised and be sure to apply doggy sunscreen regularly, because its hairless skin is prone to sunburn.


    Like the Peruvian Inca Orchid, the poodle comes in just about any size. Unlike the Peruvian Inca Orchid, the poodle is not hairless. Far from it, in fact. The good news: The breed is known for its lack of shedding, one reason it's considered a hypoallergenic dog (despite the fact that there really is no such thing). A potential drawback is the required regular grooming, which can be time-consuming and expensive. But just because it needs haircuts doesn't mean your poodle has to sport a fussy hairdo. In fact, the American Kennel Club says many poodle parents prefer a "sporting clip," a distinctly non-fancy look that shows off the pup's muscled build and can give it the appearance of a teddy bear. At any size, the poodle is popular—it's imminently trainable, wonderfully affectionate, loyal, adaptable, and one of the smartest dog breeds.

    Steve Bruckmann/Shutterstock Poodle mixes

    What do you get when you cross one dog that doesn't shed with another dog that doesn't shed? If you guessed "a dog that doesn't shed," you're correct. That's why Maltipoos (a poodle and Maltese mix) are dogs that don't shed a lot. The same goes for schnoodles (a poodle and schnauzer mix). In fact, all poodle crossbreeds tend to be minimal shedders, and that even includes mixed-breed dogs who have one parent dog that sheds a lot. Take, for instance, the goldendoodle, a cross between a poodle and golden retriever that doesn't shed much. Choosing the best poodle hybrid is a personal decision, but you can't go wrong with any of these supremely cute four-legged friends.

    Scott F Smith/Shutterstock Portuguese water dog

    We're willing to bet you've seen Portuguese water dogs, even if you've never heard the name. Exhibits A and B: Bo and Sunny Obama. The former First Dogs are Portuguese water dogs, a friendly and high-energy breed famous for its webbed feet. They're medium-sized dogs that don't shed, but they do need some regular grooming. You'll have a hard time meeting one of these doggos and not falling in love. But don't welcome one into your family unless you're prepared to give it lots of exercise.


    Schnauzers come in so many sizes that you're bound to find one that fits your family. All of them have thick, wiry coats that shed minimally, but they require weekly brushing and regular grooming. This is particularly true for their facial hair, a signature of the breed. Indeed, the name "schnauzer" comes from the German word for a whiskery snout, and you'll always recognize schnauzers by their long, luxuriant mustaches and beards. It's worth noting that schnauzers tend to drool a bit more than other dogs on this list, so if a desire for cleanliness is driving you toward dogs that don't shed, this may not be the breed for you. That said, this charming, cheerful, intelligent, and highly trainable breed has plenty of fans.

    Scottish terrier

    Charming, clever, and independent, the short-legged Scottish terrier is known for being extremely affectionate with its family members. And considering it doesn't shed, you have all the more reason to snuggle this pup. Prospective pet owners should keep in mind that Scotties require regular grooming. If you're looking for a loyal friend who has your back, the protective Scottie is a good pick. The breed is known for its strong instinct to go after prey, but it can't always tell the difference between vermin and tiny house pets—something to keep in mind if you have small pets like hamsters.

    Nathan Tsang/Getty Images Soft-coated wheaten terrier

    A great many non-shedding dogs are wirehaired pooches. Many are also terriers. The soft-coated wheaten is also a terrier, but this friendly, mid-sized lovebug has the distinction of having a—wait for it—soft coat. Active and hungry for play, this little pup is the outgoing, affectionate BFF you've been waiting for. If you're in the market for dogs that don't shed and you have young kids, this friendly breed is worth considering. Also worth considering are these everyday habits of great dog owners, which promise to make your dog-parenting experience even more positive.

    John Ceulemans/Shutterstock Spanish water dog

    The Spanish water dog is a low-key star on this list of dogs that don't shed. As pet product retailer Chewy puts it, the Spanish water dog is one part world-class athlete, one part star student, and one part huggable toy. And if your number one priority is a non-shedding dog that doesn't need regular grooming, look no further than this breed. All you need to do to take care of your Spanish water dog's coat is shave it once a year. Before you make it yours, be aware that Spanish water dogs require a lot of stimulation, both physical and mental. It's a great breed for on-the-go pet lovers and outdoor adventurers looking for a four-legged companion.

    Sergey Lavrentev/Shutterstock West Highland white terrier

    You'll recognize the West Highland white terrier (aka Westie) by its bright, white double coat. Unlike other lapdogs, these are floofy pups. The coat, which doesn't shed, is actually a bit hard to the touch. Your pooch will need regular grooming—the American Kennel Club recommends making a trip to the doggy hairdresser every four to six weeks. A sturdy little breed, the Westie is intelligent, loyal, and happy; and its curiosity and independent streak make it highly entertaining. Originally, Westies were bred to hunt rodents underground, but they're also known for being challenging to train.

    Steve Bruckmann/Shutterstock Yorkshire terrier

    If you're always cold, you might feel a real connection with the Yorkshire terrier; the ones we know always seem to be decked out in winter coats and sweaters. That's just part of the Yorkie charm, as is their diminutive size. They're so tiny—they range in size from itty-bitty (three pounds) to teeny-tiny (seven pounds)—that although they need to be brushed daily, it's not a lot of hair to cover. Independent, smart, and affectionate, they have a surprising amount of energy for such wee bodies. Be sure to train your dog and give it plenty of opportunities to socialize as a puppy if you want it to be a friendly adult.


    Originally Published: March 20, 2024

    * We are no longer supporting IE (Internet Explorer) as we strive to provide site experiences for browsers that support new web standards and security practices. We recommend our users to update the browser. Close Icon

    Who Is The Celebrity Demanding A 'Medium-Sized Dog' In Every Hotel Room? An Investigation

    Celebrities in general have a reputation for making unusual demands, but one travel agent to the elite claims he had a client whose requests included living creatures.

    Rob DelliBovi, a concierge and travel agent to the stars who runs RDB Hospitality, revealed during a Wednesday, February 21, interview on Joe Pardavila's "Good Listen" podcast that the "most unusual" request he's had was from a client who wanted a "medium-sized dog" waiting for them in all of their hotel rooms.

    "So, when this particular traveler gets to town, they need a dog, and they don't want to own a dog," DelliBovi explained. "They don't want to travel with a dog, which is, as we know, [a] pain in the neck."

    He went on to note that he and his staffers "were sourcing a dog in every city, of medium size — nothing too big, nothing too small." They did this by first asking if any hotel staff members would be willing to offer up their own pooch for the night. If that didn't work, then DelliBovi and his staff would hit up local shelters.

    DelliBovi didn't name names, of course, but he did hint that the temporary dog owner in question was a musician who wanted companionship on tour without the hassle of toting a dog from city to city. So, Us Weekly must ask: Who is the celebrity whose tour rider includes a medium-sized dog?

    Cindy Ord/Getty Images for Westminster Kennel Club

    One person he's almost certainly not talking about is Taylor Swift, who is a noted cat lover. Swift, 34, is the proud mother of felines Olivia Benson, Meredith Grey and Benjamin Button, and while she's said she doesn't dislike dogs, she's enough of a pet fan that it seems likely she'd add a canine to her menagerie if she really wanted one.

    Ariana Grande is also not a likely candidate, as she's an open dog lover and mistress of Toulouse, a beagle-chihuahua mix who once starred alongside her on the cover of Vogue. Ditto Lady Gaga, who owns several French bulldogs and famously offered a $500,000 reward for her babies after they were stolen from her dog walker at gunpoint. (A judge ultimately ruled that Gaga, 37, didn't have to pay the reward because the person who returned the dogs had pleaded guilty to receiving stolen property.)

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    These celebrity pets have their own social media accounts with huge followings — and you need to follow them now!

    Then there are plenty of stars who don't own dogs (that we know of) but also don't really seem like the pet-loving type. Beyoncé, for example, was photographed with daughter Blue Ivy and a fluffy white pooch in 2016, but that dog has stayed out of the limelight since then. It's difficult to imagine Queen Bey inviting an animal into her room to tramp all over her Mugler couture.

    Rihanna used to have a dog, but it was small enough to carry around in a purse and thus not the kind of pet a billionaire would need to leave at home. She also hasn't been on tour in a thousand years, as the Navy knows all too well, so it's probably safe to rule her out as well.

    So who is this mystery dog demander? The world may never know, but the dogs of Us Weekly are waiting to be called into service.


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