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Veteran Adopts Rescue Dog Through New Program With Local Rescue

TULSA, Okla. — Oklahoma German Shepherd Rescue, Inc. And G.I. Wishes have completed the first adoption of a new program matching rescue animals with Veterans.

K-9 Ghost is going to be the personal dog of Randal Arnold, a Sapulpa police officer and 14-year Veteran of the Oklahoma Air National Guard.

Rob Wheeler, the founder and president of G.I. Wishes, calls it "saving pets and helping vets."

In a social media post, Oklahoma German Shepherd Rescue, Inc. Gave more information about Arnold and Ghost.

Arnold learned about the program through his brother and eventually chose Ghost, hoping that Ghost would be a good fit for his family.

"Having been raised around German Shepherds, and previously having one until she passed with cancer, I am familiar with what the GSD breed can bring to a Veteran and family in loyalty and companionship. I believe Ghost will be an asset to me personally in having a furry friend, and animal that my youngest can grow up with," Arnold told Oklahoma German Shepherd Rescue, Inc.

Arnold can't take home Ghost just yet though, as Ghost has to complete training at Torchlight K9 here in Tulsa.

Do Labradors Protect Their Owners & Make Good Guard Dogs?

For several years in a row, the Labrador Retriever held the number one spot as the most popular breed in the United States. This may not be a surprise to any Labrador owner, considering the fact that Labradors have many desirable attributes.

Ever wondered whether Labrador Retrievers are protective of their owners and do well as guard dogs? Let's dive deeper.

Are Labrador Retrievers known for protecting their owners?

Generally speaking, Labrador Retrievers are extremely loyal to their owners and don't shy away from protecting their loved ones when need be. Their unwavering loyalty, to a great extent, translates into protective behavior — particularly barking excessively — when they sense danger to their humans.

However, a Labrador's protective instincts aren't anything to write home about, especially when compared to fiercely protective breeds such as Rottweilers.

Is a Labrador a good choice as a guard dog?

Unfortunately, guarding isn't a Labrador Retriever's specialty. Although dogs of this breed make excellent family pets, Labradors don't have what it takes to be great guard dogs. This is largely due to their friendly nature. It's unusual for Labradors to display any aggressive behaviors toward strangers and intruders.

In other words, a Labrador's overly friendly personality makes them unsuitable for guarding tasks. If you are thinking of bringing home a Labrador Retriever to act as a guard dog, chances are, you'll eventually regret your decision.

While they may make a fuss if they suspect the presence of an intruder, it's unlikely that a Labrador will attack and consistently deter thieves from your home.

Also, keep in mind that Labrador Retrievers are hard-wired for greed. Therefore, a burglar can easily distract them with a treat or two.

There are other loving, loyal breeds whom you can fully depend on to guard your home from the bad guys without fail. These breeds include Belgian Malinois, Giant Schnauzers, Doberman Pinscher, German Shepherd, and Akitas.

The post Do Labradors Protect Their Owners & Make Good Guard Dogs? Appeared first on DogTime.

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Family Grieves Loss Of Beloved Rescue Chihuahua After Neighbor's Dogs Attacked Him

Last Monday in Long Beach, Debbie Reis-Bastiaans was taking her four dogs out for a walk when two large pit bull mixes suddenly ran over from behind, knocked her down and attacked her tiny rescue Chihuahua-terrier mix, Willy. Willy sadly died from his injuries.

Her dog Gidget also suffered a broken leg.

The TikTok account for ABC7La shared the heartbreaking video.

The fact that another neighbor spoke on camera and said the owner of the two dogs that attacked had previous dogs that were also aggressive is pretty awful. The legal consequences for owners whose dogs kill other dogs can vary, including the severity of the incident, local laws, and the circumstances surrounding the attack. In some cases, owners may face criminal charges and potential jail time, especially if their negligence or actions directly contributed to the attack.

Related: Dog Mom Asks People To Stop 'Faking' Service Dogs After She Was Attacked

ABC 7 reports, "The owner of the pit bull mix dogs didn't want to speak on camera and said he accidentally left the gate open. He said he is taking full responsibility, and is sad that animal control took his dogs away. But neighbors said this isn't the first time something like this has happened."

This is just so heartbreaking. I can't even imagine what these poor people are going through and it just shows how quickly something like this can happen.

You can never judge a dog that will attack from its appearance. You could see a tiny Terrier that could attack your pup, and a Pit Bull that could end up being your dog's bestie. You can never judge which dog will attack by how it looks, but you can gauge a dog that may be dangerous by how it behaves.

Now, in the sad case of the poor dog above, these aggressive dogs came up very quickly from behind, and there's sometimes a situation where you can't do anything. These are just steps to take if a dog is approaching from the front.

If you see a dog that is approaching your dog and it's unleashed and acting aggressively (growling, barking, teeth bared, fur up) try and seek a safe haven, like a yard with an enclosed gate or even jumping in the bed of a pickup truck. Take out your cell phone and call animal control.

Whole Dog Journal suggests to carry some treats! If the approaching dog is just a nuisance and not really intent on mayhem, you might toss several handfuls of your always-handy high-value treats and make the escape with your dog while the loose dog scarfs up the windfall.

Carry an air horn and citronella spray. Both could come in handy if a dog tries to attack your dog.

Report aggressive dogs in your area. If you don't feel comfortable confronting your neighbor who has dogs that are always barking or growling when you walk by, report them to animal control.

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