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Got A Whippet? Take Care Of Its Joints. Here's How

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What's the story

The Whippet, a breed known for its agility and speed, is a medium-sized sighthound that embodies grace and athleticism. Despite their sleek build and seemingly delicate appearance, Whippets are generally robust dogs. However, like many breeds, they can be prone to specific health issues, particularly concerning their joints. Maintaining joint health is crucial for these active dogs to ensure their quality of life. These tips will help you do so.

Regular exercise regimen

Consistent and appropriate exercise is vital for Whippets to maintain healthy joints. Due to their high energy levels and athletic nature, they require regular physical activity but it should not be excessively strenuous to avoid joint stress. Activities like brisk walking or controlled running can help keep their muscles toned and joints flexible without causing undue wear and tear.

Balanced nutrition

Nutrition is a key factor in maintaining joint health for Whippets. Their diet should include a well-balanced mix of essential nutrients, with a focus on omega-three fatty acids for their anti-inflammatory effects. It's crucial to keep an eye on their weight as well, since being overweight can increase stress on the joints and potentially lead to arthritis.

Joint supplements

As Whippets grow older, adding joint supplements to their diet can offer health benefits. Key ingredients like glucosamine and chondroitin are known to aid in maintaining joint function and enhancing mobility. Nonetheless, it's imperative to consult a veterinarian prior to introducing any supplements. This ensures that the chosen supplements are suitable for your whippet's unique health requirements.

Regular veterinary check-ups

Regular veterinary check-ups are essential for monitoring the joint health of Whippets. Early detection and diagnosis of conditions like hip dysplasia or other joint-related issues can significantly influence management and treatment. Veterinarians can also offer customized guidance on exercise and nutrition tailored to each dog's specific health needs. This ensures a proactive approach to maintaining their joint health.

Calming The Quivers: Solutions For Whippet Separation Anxiety

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The Whippet, a breed celebrated for its impressive agility and deeply affectionate demeanor, is notably prone to separation anxiety due to its intense bond with its owners. As a sighthound, the Whippet necessitates diligent care to safeguard its mental well-being when facing solitude. Addressing separation anxiety in these dogs is imperative for their sustained health and emotional contentment.

Establish a routine

Establishing a consistent daily routine is crucial for Whippets to feel secure and less anxious. Designate regular times for feeding, walking and engaging in playtime. These predictable patterns can alleviate anxiety. Additionally, before departing, soothe your Whippet with a calming activity like a gentle grooming session or a tranquil game to smooth the shift from your presence to being alone.

Safe space creation

Whippets require a dedicated safe space, which can be a comfortable bed in a tranquil corner or a crate with beloved blankets, to feel secure. Introduce this area positively so that your Whippet associates it with comfort and safety. This special spot should be seen as a peaceful retreat, ensuring your pet equates it with calmness rather than isolation.

Gradual desensitization

To address separation anxiety, it is essential to get your Whippet accustomed to solitude incrementally. Begin with brief periods of absence and slowly extend these durations. When you return, maintain subdued greetings to emphasize the normalcy of departures and arrivals. This practice helps minimize stress and discourages overexcitement, teaching your Whippet that being alone temporarily is a regular part of their routine.

Interactive toys engagement

Engage your Whippet with interactive toys like puzzle feeders or treat-dispensing toys to combat separation anxiety. These toys provide mental stimulation, keeping them busy and reducing anxious behaviors when alone. It is essential to ensure that these toys are designed for their safety during unsupervised play, offering peace of mind while they enjoy a healthy distraction from solitude.

Seek professional guidance

For Whippets with severe separation anxiety, seeking a professional dog trainer or behaviorist is advisable. They offer individualized strategies and support to assist your Whippet in overcoming their anxiety. It is crucial to understand that each dog is unique; thus, what works for one might not be effective for another. A professional can help tailor the right approach for your dog's particular needs.

Dog Waits Outside The Last Place He Saw Owner After She Goes On Work Trip

Dogs are intelligent animals with a very strong memory, but sometimes that memory can cause them disappointment, as it did for a whippet named Stephen.

The whippet's owner, Charlie, who is known on TikTok as @stephenthewhippet, had to go on a work trip. That unfortunately meant Stephen would not be coming along. Charlie said goodbye to both Stephen and her boyfriend outside a gym in London, and somehow the dog remembered that exact location a couple of days later.

Charlie's boyfriend was out walking the dog when they came upon the same gym where they had dropped her off. Stephen would not move. He knew this was the spot where he last saw his owner and he waited. Charlie's boyfriend filmed a bittersweet clip on January 25 and without hesitation sent it to her.

"I just arrived in China for a work trip, and [the video] made me cry as I was so tired after my flight," Charlie told Newsweek via TikTok.

Stephen the whippet looks for his owner at the spot he said goodbye to her days before as she was leaving for a work trip. Stephen the whippet looks for his owner at the spot he said goodbye to her days before as she was leaving for a work trip. @stephenthewhippet/TikTok

In the clip, which Charlie's boyfriend sent to her after she had been gone for two days, the dog still remembers the spot like it was yesterday.

He looks longingly at the gym located across the street, hoping she would be there again. But when he realized his hopes were crushed, he continued on the walk with his head down in disappointment.

It's not that Stephen wasn't in good hands while she was away. Her boyfriend was watching over him, but as many know, there is no love quite like an owner's love. A dog and the owner's bond are irreplaceable. Stephen was just missing his human more than usual.

Plenty of pet parents feel an overwhelming amount of guilt when they start packing their suitcases and know their fur babies won't come along on the trip. The only thing worse than seeing their puppy-dog eyes is getting updated photos or videos of them. Pictures of their sad faces will rip your heart out, as it did for this owner.

The positive side of traveling without a pet is that people can count down the days until they see their pets again. But as much as you tell your pet it will only be a limited number of days, they do not understand.

A dog's sense of how time passes is limited, according to Columbia Veterinary Emergency Trauma and Specialty. They understand that time passes, but in terms of specific hours, days or weeks, they do not know.

Dogs will still feel excitement when their owner returns, but the level of emotion does not make a difference, regardless of the length of an owner's absence. Thankfully, a dog will always welcome home its owner with open paws and a wagging tail.

Do you have funny and adorable videos or pictures of your pet you want to share? Send them to life@newsweek.Com with some details about your best friend and they could appear in our Pet of the Week lineup.

Newsweek is committed to challenging conventional wisdom and finding connections in the search for common ground.

Newsweek is committed to challenging conventional wisdom and finding connections in the search for common ground.


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