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mini dachshund :: Article Creator

Dachshund Puppy Encounters Pigeon 'Bigger Than Him,' Chaos Ensues

Small dogs may be loud and feisty, but they also get scared very easily. A miniature dachshund puppy has melted hearts on social media after his owner shared his reaction to seeing a pigeon fly for the first time.

In the viral clip, shared on TikTok on Monday, under the username fifiyourmum, the puppy can be seen staring at a pigeon in his garden, who looks about the same size as him, observing his every move with curiosity until the bird flies away leaving him frightened and dashing for safety.

Shocked by the new animal and his flying skills, the puppy quickly runs back inside, screaming out as if he's being chased by monsters.

The hilarious post comes with a caption that says: "First time seeing a pigeon wait for it." Followed by: "It's bigger than him bless him."

Newsweek illustration of a puppy running away from a pigeon. A dachshund puppy was spooked after a seeing a pigeon for the first time. Newsweek illustration of a puppy running away from a pigeon. A dachshund puppy was spooked after a seeing a pigeon for the first time. Newsweek

Smaller dogs tend to show more aggressive behaviors, such as barking or growling, than their bigger counterparts. According to pet wellness experts at Pet Keen there are other factors besides a dog's size contributing to this behavior, including age, sex, fearfulness, breed, dogs in the family and the owners' interaction with their dogs.

"As it turns out, small dogs come out on the short end of the stick in just about every one of these categories, and that may go a long way toward explaining why they're more aggressive in general," Pet Keen's website says.

The video quickly went viral on social media, getting viewers from across TikTok. It has so far received over 200,000 views and 12,200 likes on the platform.

One user, Jade Tamburrini, commented: "And to think they were bred to hunt badgers." And Anitta DeMoor said: "His whole tiny life has flashed in front of his eyes." Samantha Anderso2920 added: "Mine's had three pigeons so far and a huge rabbit, he's savage."

Clare Michelle wrote: "Mine would have ran on the sound of the car engine." And Vikki Williams said: "My sausage is yet to see a pigeon but I have a feeling she would react this way, she's a scaredy cat."

Another user, Corriene, commented: "My chihuahua is not bothered about birds they just ignore each other lol." And andis321 said: "You wait until the short dog syndrome takes over, he will chase and bark at everything."

Newsweek reached out to fifiyourmum for comment via TikTok chat.

Do you have funny and adorable videos or pictures of your pet you want to share? Send them to life@newsweek.Com with some details about your best friend and they could appear in our Pet of the Week lineup.

Newsweek is committed to challenging conventional wisdom and finding connections in the search for common ground.

Newsweek is committed to challenging conventional wisdom and finding connections in the search for common ground.

Mini Dachshund Curls Into A 'cinnamon Roll' To Fit Inside Her Water Bowl During Hot Day: 'She's So Cute'

A mini dachshund perfectly embodied what it's like to be unbearably hot.

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There are just some days where the heat feels excruciating. No matter how much you stay in the shade, how much water you drink or how much you pump up the AC, you can never get relief. A TikToker's mini dachshund named Ember was the epitome of over it on one especially hot day.

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It was uncomfortably hot outside for the mini dachshund, who couldn't be sated by a drink of water from her bowl. The tiny dog didn't want to consume the water — it wanted to be submerged in it.

"On today's episode of: if I fits, I swims," the caption said.

First, Ember lay down with her hindlegs dipped into the bowl and half her body on the hot cement. But that wasn't good enough for the canine. The dog then fussed about as she tried to get her entire body in the small bowl. Finally, she curled into a little ball until she could fit in the "mini pool."

The funny video received 19.5 million views and 2.7 million likes on TikTok.

"The way she turned into a little cinnamon roll at the end," a user commented.

"Get that baby a pool ASAP," someone joked.

"She's so cute and curls up like a little donut at the end!" another said.

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Dachshund's Strange Behavior During Walks Baffles Owner: 'Knows Something'

Dogs certainly have a lot of quirks in their behavior, and the way this dachshund goes on a walk is certainly one of them.

Herbie's owner Macy Clark (@macyclark) has recorded how her dog "will only walk on the white line" when walking through the park. The solid line she is referring to is the one painted on the pavement to separate bike lanes. But it looks like Herbie believes it is a great tool to use to get through the park in a formal manner. So far, the hilarious video has amassed more than 2.5 million views, 657,000 likes and over 3,500 comments since December.

"He's a dachshund its only natural he follows the racing line," posted one user, while another comment read: "He's playing a mini game." One poster wrote, "I love dogs with OCD," while a fourth post added: "He knows something, doesn't he?"

The reference was made to an obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), a mental-health condition where a person has obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviors.

For dogs, it is referred to as canine compulsive disorder (CCD) and is identified by normal behaviors that a dog performs in an extreme or repetitive way.

The American Kennel Club says that the following behaviors are normal but can become compulsive:

  • Sucking on their flanks or a toy; incessant licking, called acral lick dermatitis.
  • Pacing, spinning, and chasing the tail.
  • Freezing and staring.
  • Snapping at flies or invisible items.
  • Unabated and patterned barking.
  • Excessive drinking of water or eating dirt.
  • It is important for owners to know it's not unusual for dogs to do all of the above, or a few of them. But it's all about knowing the difference between obsessively doing it. If a dog spins for hours and hours per day, then it is probably time to contact a vet, adds the AKC.

    The official website said: "Dogs and people with OCD may have altered serotonin transmission, which affects the ability of brain cells and nervous system cells to communicate with each other."

    Photo-illustration by Newsweek/Getty

    Developing CCD isn't just down to genetics. Veterinarians and animal behaviorists say that compulsive behaviors in certain dogs are severe reactions brought on by extreme deprivation of mental and physical stimulation, elevated anxiety, a lack of work to do, frustration, arousal, or inadequate attention.

    While there are many signs that indicate the disorder, it can be difficult for vets to diagnose CCD. However, a routine change can help to reduce anxiety along with physical and mentally challenging exercises to get rid of any pent-up energy.

    Newsweek reached out to @macyclark for comment via TikTok. We could not verify the details of the case.

    Do you have funny and adorable videos or pictures of your pet you want to share? Send them to life@newsweek.Com with some details about your best friend, and they could appear in our Pet of the Week lineup.

    Newsweek is committed to challenging conventional wisdom and finding connections in the search for common ground.

    Newsweek is committed to challenging conventional wisdom and finding connections in the search for common ground.


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