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The 6 Best Flea Shampoos For Dogs Of 2024

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Fleas and ticks are tiny parasites that cause big problems for dogs. Their bites make a dog's skin itchy, and they can transmit diseases like Lyme disease and tapeworms. The best flea shampoos for dogs are one of the many options pet parents have to kill and repel these pesky parasites. They contain either chemical insecticides or natural essential oils.

We spoke with two veterinarians about how flea and tick shampoos work and what to look for in these shampoos. We also researched dozens of options and selected our top picks according to several factors, such as their ingredients and how long they are effective. The best overall is Adams Plus Flea and Tick Shampoo with Precor, which kills fleas, ticks, and lice on contact and works for up to 28 days.

"Compared to topical and oral flea treatments, flea and tick shampoos do not last as long," says Dr. Breanna Green, an associate veterinarian at Veterans Memorial Drive Animal Hospital. These best shampoos can be a great first line of defense against fleas and ticks, especially when a dog has a heavy flea infestation. However, make sure to use one of the best flea and tick treatments for dogs year-round. If you're looking to treat a dog younger than 12 weeks old, read about the best flea and tick treatments for puppies.

Read more about how Business Insider Reviews tests and researches pet products.

Editor's note: Flea and tick shampoos that contain pyrethrins and permethrin are toxic to cats and can be fatal. With exposure, cats can develop symptoms such as tremors, twitching, and vomiting. If you have a cat, choose a flea and tick shampoo free of pyrethrins and permethrin.

Our top picks for the best flea shampoos for dogs

Best overall: Adams Plus Flea and Tick Shampoo with Precor - See at Chewy

Best with essential oils: Richard's Organics Flea and Tick Shampoo - See at Chewy

Best budget: Sentry Flea and Tick Shampoo with Oatmeal for Dogs and Puppies - See at Chewy

Best fast-acting: Zodiac Oatmeal Conditioning Shampoo for Dogs and Puppies - See at Chewy

Best long-lasting: Sergeant's Guardian Pro Shampoo for Dogs - See at Chewy

Best unscented: Advantage Treatment Shampoo for Dogs and Puppies - See at Chewy

Best overall

"Flea and tick shampoo can help provide immediate relief for an uncomfortable pet," says Green. Flea and tick bites are very itchy, making dogs scratch so much that their skin becomes red, raw, and irritated.

Our top pick for the best flea shampoos for dogs, Adams Plus Flea and Tick Shampoo with Precor, kills all fleas at all life stages, ticks, and lice on contact and continues working for 28 days. It has a light coconut scent and contains skin-soothing ingredients like oatmeal. Green recommends oatmeal-based shampoos to relieve itching and skin inflammation from these bites.

This shampoo contains two insecticides: pyrethrins and S-methoprene. Pyrethrins kill adult fleas by disrupting their nervous system, while S-methoprene is an insect growth regulator (IGR) that prevents flea eggs from reaching adulthood. The shampoo also contains piperonyl butoxide to enhance the insecticides' effectiveness. Precor is a brand of S-methoprene.  

It should stay on the skin for five minutes before being rinsed out. Although the shampoo remains effective for 28 days, the manufacturer recommends bathing every seven to ten days for heavy flea infestations.

Best with essential oil

Pros: Kills all life stages of fleas plus adult ticks and mosquitoes; free of chemicals and artificial colors and fragrances; does not remove spot-on flea and tick treatments

Cons: Not labeled for use in puppies under 12 weeks of age

Richard's Organics Flea and Tick Shampoo is insecticide-free and uses a combination of essential oils to kill fleas, ticks, and mosquitoes for up to 7 days. However, weekly bathing with even the best dog shampoos can dry out a dog's skin, so this shampoo is only a short-term solution. This shampoo contains peppermint oil, a natural insecticide, and rosemary oil, which can reportedly repel parasites.

Essential oils in flea and tick shampoos for dogs are highly diluted. However, Green cautions that essential oils may irritate a pet's skin.

The shampoo also contains sodium lauryl sulfate to help the essential oils mix with water during a bath and vitamin E to soothe the skin. It should remain on the skin for several minutes before being rinsed out.

Best budget

The best flea shampoos for dogs do not have to be pricey to be effective. "High cost doesn't always mean that a shampoo has better ingredients or is more effective at killing fleas and ticks," says Dr. Tierra Price, a relief emergency medicine veterinarian at Veterinary Emergency Group.

Sentry Flea and Tick Shampoo with Oatmeal for Dogs and Puppies kills all life stages of fleas and adult ticks for up to ten days at an affordable price. Its active ingredients are permethrin, a synthetic version of pyrethrins, and piperonyl butoxide. The shampoo kills fleas soon after contact and takes one to two days to begin killing ticks.

Best fast-acting

If your dog has an active flea infestation, you want a flea and tick shampoo that works fast. "Fast-acting flea and tick shampoos may help kill existing fleas and ticks and resolve infestations quickly," says Price. Zodiac Oatmeal Conditioning Flea and Tick Shampoo for Dogs and Puppies kills fleas, ticks, and lice on contact and works for up to 28 days. Bathing can be repeated every seven to ten days if a dog has an especially heavy load of adult fleas.

It also contains skin-soothing ingredients like lanolin and coconut extract, making it our top choice for fast-acting flea and tick shampoos for dogs.

The shampoo contains pyrethrins, piperonyl butoxide, and (S)-methoprene as its active ingredients. It should remain on the skin for three to five minutes before rinsing out.

Best long-lasting

Many flea shampoos for dogs work for up to ten days. Sergeant's Guardian Pro Shampoo stands out because it kills adult fleas, flea eggs, and ticks for up to 30 days. It does not kill flea larvae, though, so it may not be as effective at breaking the flea life cycle as other flea and tick shampoos.

"Long-lasting flea and tick shampoos can repel fleas and ticks, but their effectiveness can be impacted by factors like swimming, bathing, and sunlight exposure," says Price.

The shampoo has a fresh spring freesia scent and contains permethrin, pyriproxyfen, and piperonyl butoxide. Pyriproxyfen is an IGR that prevents flea eggs and larvae from reaching adulthood. The shampoo should stay on the skin for five minutes before being rinsed out.

Best unscented

"Pets can be allergic to flea bites, which can cause severe skin irritation and infection," says Green. She adds that for dogs with sensitive skin, scented ingredients in flea and tick shampoos may further irritate the skin.

Advantage Treatment Shampoo for Dogs and Puppies is unscented and kills adult fleas and ticks on contact for up to seven days, making it our top pick for this category of flea and tick shampoos. This shampoo's main active ingredient is pyrethrins. The other two active ingredients — piperonyl butoxide and N-Octyl bicycloheptene dicarboximide — help the pyrethrins work more effectively. The shampoo should remain on the skin for five minutes before being rinsed out.

Keep in mind that if a dog's skin is severely irritated and infected, an over-the-counter shampoo may not be enough. "In these cases, I will prescribe a medicated antimicrobial shampoo," says Green. You can find excellent options in our guide to the best medicated shampoo for dogs.

What to look for in a flea and tick shampoo for dogs

Our experts helped us narrow our criteria for choosing the best flea shampoos for dogs. The advice below will help you choose the appropriate shampoo for your dog.

Number of parasites treated: While some flea and tick shampoos for dogs target just those two parasites, other flea and tick shampoos also kill lice and mosquitoes. Lice and mosquitoes can also make the skin feel extremely itchy. Mosquitoes can transmit diseases like heartworm, so flea and tick shampoos that treat lice and mosquitoes provide extra parasite control.

Flea life stage: The best flea and tick shampoo for dogs will kill all life stages of fleas, from eggs to adults. This will help treat an active infestation of adult fleas and break the flea life cycle.

Active ingredients: Flea and tick shampoos contain chemical insecticides or natural essential oils to kill fleas and ticks. The most common insecticides in flea and tick shampoos for dogs are pyrethrins, permethrin, and (S)-methoprene. Pyrethrins and permethrin target only adult fleas and damage their nervous system, while (S)-methoprene is an insect growth regulator that prevents flea eggs from becoming adults. Some shampoos also contain the active ingredient piperonyl butoxide to help the insecticides work more effectively.

Essential oils, such as cinnamon oil and peppermint oil, are the most common natural ingredients used in flea and tick shampoos. They don't work nearly as well as chemical insecticides but may appeal to pet owners who don't want to use chemicals on their pets.

Minimum age: Many flea and tick shampoos are safe only for dogs over 12 weeks old. If your puppy is younger than 12 weeks old, consider another treatment, such as oral flea treatment Capstar, which kills only adult fleas and is safe for puppies at least 4 weeks old. Your veterinarian can help you decide which flea and tick treatment will be the safest and most effective for your young puppy.

Instructions for use: Following the instructions on the shampoo bottle is crucial to a flea and tick shampoo working most effectively. Fortunately, flea and tick shampoos are easy to use. They should be worked into a rich lather, starting from the head and working toward the tail. Working from head to tail prevents fleas from jumping up your dog's back during a bath. Also, the shampoo should stay on the skin for several minutes before being rinsed out to allow the shampoo's active ingredients to work.

Duration of effectiveness: The best flea shampoos for dogs vary in how long they work to kill fleas and ticks. Many flea and tick shampoos are effective for 7 to 10 days, while others work for up to 28 or 30 days. Even for long-lasting flea and tick shampoos, the manufacturer may recommend more frequent bathing to maximize the shampoo's effectiveness. 

Scent: Flea and tick shampoos may contain artificial fragrances or essential oils for a pleasant scent. However, these ingredients may irritate the skin of dogs with sensitive skin. Also, shampoos with a strong scent may be off-putting to dogs and their owners.

Skin-soothing ingredients: Flea and tick bites are very irritating to the skin. Constant scratching and licking at the bite areas irritates the skin even more. When selecting a flea and tick shampoo for your dog, look for ingredients like aloe vera and oatmeal that soothe irritated skin. 

Other pets in your home: Pyrethrins and permethrin are extremely toxic to cats. If a cat is exposed to these insecticides, they can develop symptoms like tremors, twitching, and vomiting. If you have a cat, select a flea and tick shampoo for your dog that is free of pyrethrins and permethrin.

How we selected the best flea shampoos for dogs

We consulted two veterinarians about flea and tick shampoos. Their insights helped us select our top choices, but our experts did not endorse or recommend specific products.

Dr. Breanna Green is a small animal veterinarian and an associate veterinarian at Veterans Memorial Animal Hospital in Houston, Texas. She shared insights on flea and tick shampoos that contain essential oils and those that are ideal for sensitive skin and itch relief.

Dr. Tierra Price is an emergency veterinarian at Veterinary Emergency Group in Atlanta, Georgia. She provided her expert insight on budget flea and tick shampoos and flea and tick shampoos marketed as long-lasting and fast-acting.

We also consulted the Merck Veterinary Manual for general information about insecticides and reviewed guidelines on flea and tick control from the Companion Animal Parasite Council.

Dog flea and tick shampoo FAQs What is the most effective flea and tick shampoo for dogs?

There is no single most effective shampoo. The best flea and tick shampoos for dogs typically contain insecticides like pyrethrin, which tend to work better than those with essential oils as their active ingredients. However, our experts agree that these shampoos are less effective than other flea and tick treatments, and pet guardians should not use them as the only form of flea and tick control.

Does flea and tick shampoo really work?

A flea and tick shampoo for dogs can be a good first line of defense against fleas and ticks, especially for active flea infestations. However, they do not work nearly as well or last as long as oral and topical flea and tick treatments. A common complaint with these shampoos is that fleas jump back on a dog soon after a bath. "The effects of flea and tick shampoos are short-lasting. If we do not also treat the environment and get a dog on adequate flea prevention, the adult fleas will jump back on the dog in a matter of days," says Green.

Is there a dog shampoo that kills fleas?

There are many dog shampoos that kill fleas. To kill fleas, these shampoos contain insecticides, such as pyrethrins or highly-diluted essential oils. With so many dog shampoos available, it is best to talk with your veterinarian about which may work best for your dog. Also, you may need to bathe more than once if they have a heavy flea infestation.

What is the best thing to wash a dog to kill fleas?

Your best option is to use a shampoo formulated to kill fleas. You can choose a flea shampoo that contains insecticides or essential oils as active ingredients. Always follow product instructions to ensure you use the shampoo safely and effectively.

10 Best Horse Shampoo For Dogs

10 Best Horse Shampoo For DogsPet suppliesRecombu Product Features
  • Two active ingredients working together to deeply cleanse and can aid in itch relief.
  • A pet shampoo that can help relieve itching, allergies, and skin irritation. Regular use is recommended for itch relief from hot spot or allergy issues.
  • Gentle inactive ingredients help soothe irritated skin while the active ingredients get to work.
  • Crafted with a veterinary formula, this shampoo is held to high standards of quality to ensure a safe and effective cleaning product.
  • Made in the USA.
  • Product Features
  • First and only Moroccan Argan oil shampoo for horses on the market today
  • Argan oil provides super moisture and superior shine
  • Deep cleaning formula for dirt and oil build up while added moisture and shine
  • Dechra MiconaHex + Triz Shampoo for Dogs, Cats & Horses (8oz) Dechra

    1726 ratings

    More info 3 Product Features
  • MEDICATED SHAMPOO treats skin infections on cats and dogs
  • CONTAINS CERAMIDES to aid in moisturizing, repairing and restoring dry, damaged skin
  • Product Features
  • CARE FOR YOUR HORSE with quality grooming. Vetrolin White 'N Brite shampoo brightens light-colored coats and enhances highlights on dark-colored coats.
  • FIGHTS EVEN THE TOUGHEST yellow manure stains easily and in just a few washes.
  • NOURISHING COCONUT OIL DERIVATIVES moisturize and increase absorption of brightening agents.
  • GREAT FOR HORSES AND DOGS, this versatile concentrated formula washes up to 16 horses and works on every coat.
  • INNOVATIVE BOTTLE DESIGN and cap makes it easier to hold and grooming more enjoyable.
  • Product Features
  • Gentle degreasing shampoo helps soothe itchy, scaly patches and red skin while deodorizing the coat
  • Medicated pet shampoo may be used as an adjunctive therapy for many common dermatological conditions
  • Safely removes skin scales and crusts, nourishes dry skin, de-greases and deodorizes coat and skin
  • Includes 2% Chloroxylenol, 2% Salicylic Acid, 2% Sodium Thiosulfate (source of soluble Sulfur)
  • Won't wash away flea and tick treatments; ideal for multi-pet households, suitable for routine use
  • Product Features
  • E elite equine evolution shampoo specially formulated for horses
  • It relieves itching, irritation and skin infections
  • It is fortified with Nano vitamins a, c, e & f, which are Nano encapsulated in a sustained and controlled delivery system
  • This helps prevent inflammation and aids in the healing process
  • Product Features
  • Easily rinses out leaving a lustrous, manageable coat
  • Pampers coat with Argan Oil, conditioners, amino acids and Vitamin E
  • Argan Oil strengthens hair and provides shine
  • PABA sunscreen protects skin and hair
  • Concentrated formula washes up to 16 horses
  • Great for dogs too.
  • Dechra DermaBenSs Shampoo for Dogs, Cats & Horses (12oz) - Gentle, Soap-Free, Antiseborrheic and Antimicrobial (1810011) Dechra

    1682 ratings

    More info 8 Product Features
  • HOT SPOT TREATMENT and bacterial infections, skin infections, lick granulomas, seborheic conditions, Staph infections and many other skin conditions treated
  • GENTLE AND SOAP FREE antiseborrheic, antimicrobial shampoo
  • FEATURES CERAMIDES to aid in moisturizing, repairing and restoring dry, damaged skin
  • Age Range Description: All Life Stages
  • Included Components: 12 Ounce Bottle Of Shampoo
  • Product Features
  • Formulated for dogs, cats and horses Gentle, soap-free, no sulfur odor Degreasing, drying, follicular flushing Antiseborrheic, antimicrobial Keratolytic, helps to increase the amount of water the stratum corneum can absorb Keratoplastic, helps to promote healthy skin regrowth Contains ceramides
  • Product Features
  • Made in the USA - Our lavender & chamomile waterless shampoo is pH balanced, alcohol free, paraben free, PEG-80 free and is highly recommended for gentle cleaning and freshening dogs other animal coats
  • No Rinsing Necessary – For dogs, horses, or other animals that don't like wet shampoos; no rinsing necessary, simply dry with a towel & brush coat
  • Calming Formula – This plant derived lavender & chamomile scented waterless shampoo is great for cleansing, conditioning, detangling, & moisturizing animals; our calming formula settles restless animals during cleaning.
  • Safe Usage Instructions - Although a hypoallergenic formula, we advise testing a small amount for your pets first time and dry thoroughly to make sure your pet tolerates the cleansing agents
  • The Brand Used by Professionals - Wahl has been serving professional vets and groomers for over 50 years. Clean, condition fur & hair for a smooth, soft coat. We are a company of animal lovers that want the best for your family member

  • Dog Owner Claims £28 Luxury Shampoo 'blinded' Pet And Left Her With £1,500 Bill

    Devanshi Ruperal, 39, says toy poodle Harry was left "screaming" after she used the OUAI Fur Bebe bottle on him - and she feared he was going to lose his sight

    Devanshi with pet pooch Harry (

    Image: Devanshi Ruperal/SWNS)

    A dog owner claims a £28 luxury shampoo ended up costing her more than £1,500 - after it nearly blinded her poor pooch.

    Devanshi Ruperal, 39, claims toy poodle Harry was left "screaming" after she used the OUAI Fur Bebe bottle on him. She says she feared the dog was going to lose his sight and had to fork out a significant sum on vets bill. Devanshi, a financial advisor from West London, says she is speaking out now as she wants other owners to be aware.

    She said: "It's the suffering me, my dog and husband have been through. We don't have children - he's our little baby. I'm not going to let this go because my dog has suffered a lot. I've been doing everything in my power. This is a brand who are meant to be chemical and paraben free - all I want is a change to the labelling saying it can cause burns and is dangerous to the eyes.

    "This whole thing cost more than £1,500 including surgery. I'm asking for them to change the labelling on their packaging. I was crying every day hoping he gets better we thought he was going to go blind." Devanshi used the upmarket shampoo in November, hoping to offer Harry a pampering experience.

    Devanshi's poodle Harry (


    Devanshi Ruperal/SWNS)

    But instead, when she rinsed the shampoo off his head, she says she got a small amount in his eye and he reacted by "screaming" - no matter how much she rinsed the affected area. Hours later she says he was still screaming and scratching at his eye, so she took him to the vets who gave them eye drops and painkillers. Sadly the medicine didn't work and Devanshi was later told Harry would need surgery.

    The pooch went under the knife before Christmas and thankfully in January was given the all clear after Devanshi had spent over £1,500 on treatment. She says she contacted OUAI to let them know what happened and ask for the packaging to be changed. She says the brand said they couldn't do anything and offered her a £50 voucher.

    "It says on the packaging keep away from eyes - I put it on his head and was scrubbing his head and while washing it off a little bit must have gone in eye," said Devanshi. "He was in very bad pain, he was screaming - we were distraught at his pain. "Just washing it off had this huge effect, people need to be warned."

    OUAI were contacted for comment but did not respond at time of publishing.


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